3-year-old Coda girl shot in head by stray bullet

On Monday night in Houston, a 3-year-old girl named Helena who has deaf parents (Coda) was shot in the head from a stray bullet. She is hospitalized in stable condition, but hasn’t woken up.

The parents, Frederick and Martha, have three young children including Helena.

The Harris County Sheriff’s Office said several gunmen opened fire at a male near the deaf family’s car. There was no relationship between the deaf family and the suspects. One male was shot and killed.

Sheriff Ed Gonzalez told ABC 13 News that they really need the public’s help on any information about the suspects.

ABC 13 News Video Clip (link in transcript)

Helena was airlifted to a hospital immediately after the shooting and underwent surgery. I was able to briefly talk with the father, Frederick today. I asked her how Helena was doing.

Frederick: My daughter’s breathing is good. We tried waking her up and for her to move her legs, but it’s not the right time. We’re taking it slowly. Allow the medicine to work. We are letting her rest. I’m praying a lot and very hopeful. I guess it will take a long time, maybe three to four months, but I will still take care of her and keep on coming here.

Alex: I asked him to describe what happened.

Frederick: My wife was bringing four trash bags — we couldn’t find a place — so she put it in the truck and drove to the place to throw them away. Then suddenly the shooting broke out. A bullet went through my truck’s glass window. My daughter was sitting in the back. We didn’t expect it. The shooting happened. My wife can’t hear.

Alex: Thank you for explaining. He said he is very grateful to police officers and emergency responders for quickly getting a helicopter on the scene. Their oldest daughter was in the vehicle with Helena, but she was not injured.

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The family is homeless but recently received a voucher to live in the same apartment complex where the shooting happened. Frederick said his family is getting support with having a place to stay for now, but asked for donations via a GoFundMe set up by a church friend of the family. The link is in the transcript.

The church friend, Samantha Eborg, said she hopes the GoFundMe will raise enough money to get the family a new vehicle (because their previous one was riddled with gunshots), permanent housing, and cover any long-term expenses. She said the family is afraid to return to the apartment.

Helena will become four years old on May 9. Our hearts and thoughts are with you, Helena, and the family.


