Interview with CJ Jones


I was able to interview “Avatar 2” (not yet released) actor CJ Jones, who is very well-known in our community as a comedian, an actor, among many other talents on Tuesday. We covered topics related to the Black Lives Matter movement and about his experiences as a Black Deaf man. I also asked him about updates on his creative projects. Here it is. 


I want to give you the full scope of my life when I was young. I grew up at the Missouri School for the Deaf. I had great interaction with others. I then saw that Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed. I didn’t understand why. I didn’t understand because I was mingling with everyone at the Deaf school, with all the white and black students. My parents were strong believers in hosting events and always had their white friends over. My parents lived in a black neighborhood. Their friends came over because they loved my father. He was fun, gave jokes, and hosted barbecues. Many of our black neighbors were bewildered at the white people and “left them alone.” I grew up with that. Then at the deaf school I grew up with that. Then when I went out in the world, I didn’t think about my color. I felt free until a time when I was pulled over by police. That was like a punch to the face. Why did they treat us so bad? They even pointed a gun on me. They spoke at me and I was scared and said I couldn’t hear. That was very traumatizing. I was angry, of course. My brothers and sisters said do you know why? Because you are black. That’s why the cops always chase over you. I asked what it had to do with the color of my skin. They said that’s how white, that’s how cops are. I still don’t get it. I don’t. Then I saw more and more killings. Today there’s the kneeling on Floyd. They kneeled on his neck as he said he couldn’t breathe. That was a huge impact. I had enough of that shit. Excuse me for saying a swear word. Thank you. I mean, I have to tell all people to stop and think about how important that all of us share the same justice and equality. Justice should apply to all people. Don’t make it different for black people. Because what happens to black people can happen to any race. It’s the same. Police officers must stop harassing, killing, hurting, beating up, and putting all those black people in prisons. That makes everything so much worse. We have to put a stop right there and then have a transformation to become better citizens, to provide a better life, and to have white people and black people come and work together. I’ve never had prejudice against white people in my life. No. I don’t blame white people for their hatred. I will simply open my heart up again and again until they realize we are all the same. Our blood is the same. We are all humans. I will continue with that belief no matter the cost. 


That is really touching. Did “white America,” or white deaf people America, really understand that police officers are considered a huge threat? Often I look at police officers and wave at them. Give them a thumbs up. But where’s that empathy? Is it because we are not asking or because we are not listening? 


You have to ask white deaf people that. How much do you know about Black culture? How much do you know about Black history? How much do you know about the suffering they have gone through? Do you feel it’s time to come together and include black individuals in your activities and in your leadership? I know those who did not do the work. Until now, they’re swarming and say “Hey! We need to get together! I support you and understand how you feel!” But I wonder what about all the time before? Why now? I’m looking back in time. Do you think I’m blind to your “cover” in which you say I’m wonderful but in your time you don’t include us? Wait. That part, I need to see their words. I have received many messages of support. It’s talk. I say thank you, but I want to see action! Because I have put all of my action in welcoming everyone. I am serious. I truly believe our small deaf community can expand. I want to shake things up. I want the industry to hire actors and writers. That is my dream, no matter what color. Now I am asking if they include me, if they include other black actors in their activities and leadership? Do they put them in positions of leadership? I want to see more of that. I want to see them talk about that. I want to see them tell me how much you know and how much effort you will put in. How much action will you do? How badly do you want to see justice be set strong and for it to never happen again on behalf of all the black people who suffered violence from police officers? It is overdue. It’s like a pressure cooker that has exploded. The world is waking up. Okay, okay. Let’s do things right or things might get worse later down the road. Enough is enough. We don’t need a civil war. We don’t need strife or division. What? That’s not how I see it, that’s not how I want it. I want a beautiful coming together. Black, white, Indian, Hispanic, anybody and everybody coming together. These people will feel good about freedom of creativity. Freedom of expression, of being who you are. People need that. People need that identity. We don’t need to be down on ourselves because we are “not good enough” or think “I’m black, you’re white, you’re lucky.” That needs to stop. Black and white are equal. I see more white poeple marching. That’s impressive. It shows their solidarity and their belief that it is time for justice. It is time to confront the cops. It’s time for black people to be uplifted and be on the same level as all of us, not beneath. No more. I hope for the same thing with the deaf community. I’ve seen ego. I’ve seen jealousy. I’ve seen cliques. I want to change that. With good people together, we can break that through our creative work and show the true colors of our Deaf community and culture, on streaming TV and everything. That is power. That’s what I call an ensemble of creative people who want humanity to be true to itself. 

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Now, Avatar 2. You announced your role like, two years ago. I know James Cameron takes his time, but it can be worth it for quality purposes. You will have a role and sign in the Na’vi language. We talked about this before but do you have any updates? When is the release? 


Oh boy, I’ve got many questions about that. I know it’s a pain in the ass to not know exactly what is going on with Avatar because it’s shut down. It’s not out of business, just to be clear! It’s shutdown because of the coronavirus, exactly. So there are many questions on updates. We have to wait until the coronavirus is gone before we can start again. Sure enough, things started up last week. Just last week it started with production again. They have continued to run shoots in New Zealand. I do post updates on Facebook on what is going on and who the actors are there. For me, I’m more focused on the Na’vi sign language. I develop it with Avatar and Disney. They work together and I’m working with both. I hope we can finish by the end of the year. Then the release will be next year. It’s pushed to December 2021. So in the meanwhile I am working on Na’vi sign language with Disney to promote it on an app, on tours to different places like Pandora, where we explain where Na’vi sign language came from. Hearing people will talk about Na’vi spoken language. So, wow, I’m looking forward to that exciting part. It’s the same with me in the role. Good luck finding where I am because all of us look the same! 


What are other big projects you are working on? 


Well, I got a role in a small film in England. But coronavirus has put that on a hold. I hope to fly there this fall. But with the coronavirus, I know it’s horrible to say, but I am thankful because it’s helped me to go underground and work on scripts. I’m working with different script writers to develop pitch decks to pitch to different streaming outlets. I have four ready to go and five in the works. My goal is to pitch them, get money, and create deaf roles. That’s better than waiting for auditions. Writers out there are still ignorant. There will be very little deaf roles that will open up. Our company, I just started this part in January, it’s called Sign World Studios. It has four divisions. The first is “Elevate,” a training program that will provide training for 2D, 3D, and animation. The second part is promotion and education, such as panel discussions on interpreters and everything. I’m having good progress on that. Many are contacting me. I will have a big panel discussion soon about how to put the deaf actor workforce in the industry. The third area is production. It’s to produce our own movies to be shown on streaming outlets. And I’m excited because Apple is involved. They are supporting us in training people for below the line productions. I’m excited, I can’t believe it. I can’t share more. There will be more information coming up. You’ll hear more about that. And the last part is networking, working with worldwide film festivals and trying to get into SXSW, other festivals, we’re working on that part right now. That’s my big, big, BIG project! 

Why am I on Earth? It’s to inspire all people to do their dreams. My quote for the day is to don’t rip a dreamer. You give them opportunities and tools so they can dream big and believe in themselves and their lives will become better for all people on Earth. That’s my passion. 


Thank you, CJ, for sharing your stories, your experiences, and perspectives with all of us. 

CJ also wanted to share with you all that he is in a short film called “CODA.” It is captioned and 22 minutes long. It is available to view for only a few days as a part of a collaboration between USC School of Cinematic Arts and Omeleto, an internet based film festival. They have made several films available and CJ is in CODA. He encourages all of us to watch it! The link in the description and in the transcript. Again, thank you CJ for your time.
