Early Voter Turnout

Hello!  Wow, people across the country are now early voting. What does early voting mean to Democrats and Republicans? 

About 6 in 10 Americans expect to vote in person, and 4 in 10 by mail.   

Texas has marked 87% more of the state's total votes in 2016.  Montana, North Carolina, Florida and Georgia have also reached 67% or more of their 2016 vote totals. It shows voter turnout is very high. 

[Sponsored Video from SignVote (www.signvote.org)]

Democrats and Republicans have indicated they will vote in different ways. 

Among Republicans, 8 to 10 confirm they will vote in person, compared to only 4 in 10 Democrats. 

Data shows that Democrats have cast about 53% of the early votes.  That's compared with 36% by Republicans.  Data also shows that Democrats currently hold a roughly 2-to-1 advantage in returned mail-in ballots in states with party registration.

A typical election in recent years has been that the early vote is Democratic and the Election Day vote is Republican.

Will we know who wins the election on the night of Tuesday, November 3? Trump or Biden? It is unknown. 

The final election results may be delayed due to counting ballots, similar to what happened in 2000 with Bush v. Gore.

It depends whether mail-in ballots and absentee ballots are counted far more quickly than they were during most primary elections this year.  

That is all for now.  I will see you next time.

TOP STORIESAlex Abenchuchan