Deaf women's soccer match will be shown on national TV

Renca Dunn, Daily Moth Reporter: Exciting news! On Saturday, June 1st, the U.S. Deaf Women's soccer team will play against the Australian Deaf Women's soccer team. It will be live on national TV.

The match will be hosted in Commerce City, Colorado. It is a bit northeast of Denver. The game is there.

You can watch the live TV through truTV and Max.

This will be a historical event. The U.S. Soccer Federation is the umbrella of all this. Under this, there are Extended National Teams (ENT). There are 9 teams altogether and one of them is the deaf men and deaf women soccer teams. This means the U.S. Soccer Federation funds all of the ENT teams.

So, this is historical for two reasons for both hearing and deaf people. The first is that this is the first time that U.S. Soccer is showing an ENT team on national TV. The second one is that it will be the first time for the Deaf community to be able to watch two deaf teams play against each other on live national TV. This is exciting!

[photos & video - CREDIT: U.S. Soccer
“Journey at the 2023 World Deaf Football Championship”]

If you are nearby and want to see if there are tickets to watch in person, there is some availability. The price range is from about $90 to over $500 depending on which seat you want to get.

Just to note, the ticket includes doubleheader games. So after the U.S. Deaf Women's soccer match, the FIFA U.S. Women's soccer team will play against Korea. So the ticket includes both games. You can check out the prices and information in the link in this transcript. We got a hold of Allie Galoob who is the team coordinator for the U.S. Deaf Women's soccer team for this event. She used to be a player for 11 years and now is the team manager for the U.S. Deaf Women’s soccer team. We asked her about this event.

Allie Galoob: It’s impossible to put in one word, but to start, I think for most who have been involved in this program, it is a sigh of relief. Finally, we’re getting the support that we’ve worked hard for a long time. It’s only challenging when you’re not a part of the mainstream. We finally have this platform to show what is possible. What we’re made of. And where we’re going. We want to bring everyone to come with us. I’m excited because people will see the world’s best deaf soccer players. How often do you see that? We’re looking forward to the game with nervousness, excitement, and passion. We want to give it all.


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Exciting News! The 988 Lifeline launched new American Sign Language services for callers who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. It’s a new resource for people to access help when they need it. Visit and select “ASL Now.”


Allie Galoob: I hope for anyone who thinks that they can’t do it because they’re not fit enough or not enough of anything, when you see us on TV, you can see that anything is possible. Also, the U.S. Soccer Federation has recognized that we have a huge market. There are a lot of people who are really invested in our team and who we represent. I hope the U.S. Soccer Federation sees this opportunity and allows us to ride the wave. After this game, this training camp, we will be focused on preparing for the Tokyo Deaflympics in 2025. That’s our goal. Every opportunity that we get to train with each other, to play against Australia, everything will help us to be more prepared for the Deaflympics. It's really exciting.

Renca: Thank you Allie for your time. The last time that the U.S Deaf women soccer team played against Australia was back in 2005. Now they will play against each other again on June 1st at 2pm EST and you can watch it through truTV and Max. A link to that article about this event is in this transcript. We wish the U.S. Deaf women soccer team the best of luck!



Instagram: @ussoccer_ent