Deaf soldier in training, Stanley Nyamai, honored by Kenyan President

In Kenya, there is a Deaf soldier. 

[Video clip showing a large military ceremony. The president, wearing a suit, is standing on a red carpet with top military officials standing in front of him. A young soldier comes marching into the frame, does a salute, and shakes the president’s hands. The president presents him with a golden award. The soldier says, “Thank you, Mr. President.” He turns around and marches back to his spot among other soldiers.]

His name is Stanley Nyamai. He is 22 years old. 

[Image of Stanley Nyamai]

The man who he greeted was the Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta.  

[Image of Uhuru Kenyatta]

[Video clip of Nyamai thanking Kenyatta]

I reached out to a deaf leader in Kenya, Nickson Kakiri, for more information.

Nickson Kakiri: 

That will put an impression on everyone that deaf people can, they can serve in the military. That is impressive. How did this happen in Kenya? Because of our laws. It mandates that persons with disabilities are involved in all aspects of life whether it is in employment, training, or anything else. That gives deaf people opportunities to enlist. There are now four deaf service members who are in training. 

It’s amazing to see the president signing with his greeting. That is our applause. That’s impressive. Our constitution recognizes Kenyan Sign Language in Article 7.3(b). Sign language is recognized. 


Thank you Nickson for explaining. Congratulations to Stanley for that honor and for showing the world that deaf people can join the military. 

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The U.S. needs to learn from Kenya!