AASD Superintendent resigns after protests

The recently-appointed superintendent of the Atlanta Area School for the Deaf, Lisa Buckner, resigned on Friday, October 8. The resignation comes after high school student leaders held a protest against Buckner two weeks ago, saying BIPOC students were oppressed and that they don’t want a leader who is hearing and depends on interpreters to communicate.

There is a memo dated October 8 from Dr. Kenney Moore, the State Schools Director with the Georgia Department of Education, that confirms Buckner’s resignation. Moore said the resignation was “Mrs. Buckner’s choice.”

The email said beginning Monday, October 11, Vanessa Robisch will serve as the interim AASD Superintendent. She is hearing and used to be the school’s superintendent before her retirement in 2017, which paved the way for John Serrano to take over as the school’s first deaf superintendent.

Moore said AASD will begin the recruitment process for the next AASD superintendent and would “again” allow AASD students, staff, and community members to share their feedback.

Several student protesters said two weeks ago they didn’t feel involved with the superintendent search process after Serrano’s departure and were taken by surprise at Buckner’s selection.

There is also discontent among some members of the AASD community with the leadership of the Georgia Department of Education on issues of racism and audism.

AASD is expected to reopen tomorrow for in-person instruction after a two-week closure due to what the school said was concerns with Covid-19 exposure.

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