“What?” film premiere in Los Angeles

Justin Jackerson, Daily Moth Guest Reporter:
Hi! I’m Justin Jackerson, reporting for “The Daily Moth.” I’m here at the TCL Chinese Theaters in Hollywood, California. What is going on now? It’s the red carpet premiere of the film, “What?” A Not-So-Silent Film.

(B-roll of people at the lobby of the theaters)

Attendee #1:
Wow! This is a big event.

Attendee #2:
I’m excited to see what they have to offer.

Attendee #3:
I’m looking forward to the messaging behind the whole movie.

Attendee #4:
I’m looking forward to seeing John (Maucere), and Amber (Zion).

Attendee #5:
The deaf community needs some serious simulation!

(B-roll of key actors, crew, and producers of the film standing up for an image)

John Maucere, Actor:
We were born here in Hollywood and grew up here. I’ve had a very tough time. It’s not easy being deaf in the acting industry. They tend to look for a “name.” Because of the box office, as always. So I’ve had many struggles. So we decided to create our films. The first was the “Superdeafy” movie. After that, I think it was time for us to go ahead and create a film about my journey.

Alek Lev, Director:
It’s a combination of a silent film and a signing film, so it’s a silent, signing film. That’s “What?”!

Cassandra Jones, Producer:
I think it is different because it is financed by deaf people. And that’s a really powerful part of the film.

Ruan du Plessis, Director of Photography:
The production took three weeks. That’s intense. We made a 90-minute film in three weeks, wow!

Amber Zion, Actress:
When we put on the wardrobe, I saw that the colors were really bizarre. I wondered if they knew what they were doing. Then I found out that in black-and-white films, it is intentional to have different colors so they will pop in black-and-white screens. Cool.

(Images of audience visiting the premiere event and an image of several key people in the film)

[Trailer of “What?”]

[A 30-second clip from “What?” Trailer. To see the full trailer, go to www.thewhatmovie.com.]

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Attendee #6:
I thought the movie was really funny. I enjoyed watching it. I felt it was deaf friendly, but also hearing friendly. I understood everything that was going on.

Attendee #7:
I thought it was a really sweet black-and-white film. A big tribute to the silent film era.

Attendee #8:
As a deaf actress myself, it was really nice to see many different deaf actors involved. Many people behind the scenes are also deaf. So it really gives me hope as a deaf actress.

Attendee #9:
I enjoyed watching the film, “What.” I did have questions, but after the film, I felt a connection and understood the “What” concept. I suggest you watch it, it’s a must!

Attendee #10:
The word is “wow!” That’s it.

So, the film “What?” has concluded. It truly was a powerful film with a positive reception. There was a Q/A session. The movie’s main message is that deaf actors and artists have a tough struggle in the hearing world with hearing people taking our jobs. Our representation is not showing up enough. So, all of that, and there’s humor, the black-and-white elements in it, makes for a really great and enjoyable movie. I’m Justin Jackerson, reporting for “The Daily Moth.”