Tuesday, December 1 top stories briefs

It is Tuesday, December 1. Here are today’s top news briefs.

In southwestern Germany, a man in a SUV plowed into a pedestrian zone in a city center and killed four people. a 9-month-old baby, a 25-year-old woman, a 45-year-old man, and a 72-year-old woman died. 15 people were injured.

Police in Trier said they arrested the driver, describing him as a 51-year-old man who was born in Trier. Authorities said the man was above the legal limit for alcohol consumption and may have had a mental illness. Authorities said they have no information that suggests this was motivated by terrorism, religion, or politics.

Officials said it was a terrible, shocking day and that their thoughts are with the relatives of those killed.

Attorney General William Barr said in an interview with AP that FBI agents and the Department of Justice have not found evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 election. Barr said he is aware that there are allegations that voting machines were manipulated to skew the election results, but so far the DOJ and the DHS haven’t seen anything to prove it.

President-elect Joe Biden was seen today with a walking boot on his right foot in Delaware. He fractured it on Sunday when he was playing with one of his dogs. He gave a thumbs up to photographers and seemed to be doing all right.

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Today President Donald Trump filed a new lawsuit against Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) and state election officials to challenge Wisconsin’s certification on Monday of a Joe Biden victory with over 20,000 votes. The lawsuit wants over 220,000 ballots to be thrown out.

ABC News reported that Trump has raised about $170 million since Election Day from his campaign asking for donations to support his fight against alleged election fraud.

Elliot Page, the actor in the film “Juno” and Netflix’s “The Umbrella Academy” announced that he is transgender and that his pronouns are he/they. He said he is grateful to people who supported him in this journey. He said he is scared of the hate, the “jokes,” and of violence, but vowed to not be silent and to do everything he can to change the world for the better.

In Puerto Rico, a well-known telescope called Arecibo, which was suspended hundreds of feet in the air by three cables, collapsed. It was closed in November because it started to deteriorate, but now the instrument platform has fallen into the reflector dish. There were no injuries. The telescope was featured in two films, Goldeneye (James Bond) and Contact. Arecibo was used for the past 57 years to study distant planets and find asteroids.

That’s all the top news briefs for today. Check out our Deaf News videos. See you tomorrow and stay with the light.







