Welcome to the exhibit hall! We have many different booths!

Renca: This is now Day 3 of NAD’s conference! See this exhibit hall with many different booths, vendors around with a variety of Deaf-owned businesses, information on schools, and etc.- pretty cool. In the next room is the Council of Representatives (COR).

LaDonna: See the people seated here before the black queue poles- these people cannot vote, but the people seated in front of it can vote because they are delegates. They would vote for different motions through the clicker. Clicking on 1 means yes and 2 means no or the name of a person for officer.

Hi, I’m Jenny Buechner, president of NAD.

I’m Michelle Cline, treasurer for NAD.

Hello, I’m Milmaglyn Morales, secretary for NAD.

I’m Stephanie Hakulin, vice president for NAD.

Melissa: Well, now I am finished with my term as NAD’s president, I am feeling excited, but sad at the same time. I have been serving on NAD’s board for 14 years and I was the president for the last 6 years. What have I learned is the importance of listening. Listen to people expressing their concerns, thoughts, etc. Think how we can work together, support each other, and do not assume something or jump to conclusions. Just listen. Now, that my term as a president has come to an end, this is a perfect time for me to transition to my new job as the Associate Head of the school- Pennsylvania School for the Deaf. I am excited for this perfect timing. For the future of our Deaf community, I would love to see more of us working together. What do I mean by that is like if a situation comes up at a Deaf school or organization or a barrier related to accessibility for communication for deaf people- I would hope that we would immediately work together to respond to that situation, to support it. We are a small community, but we are strong. When we send a strong message of support, it means a lot to specific groups. They will need our support.

Renca: So what happened all day? Voting for the new board, exhibit hall, workshops, and then the night event was College Bowl!


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College Bowl is about to start! Teams just arrived, they are taking pictures, exchanging hellos, then we will start!

Yes! We just waiting for people to arrive to get ready! We are excited!

So, how are you feeling right now? Really good! All worth it!

Yeah, two years ago, the conference was canceled. We have been practicing for a long time so it all feels worth it now.

Great experience!

Just wow. No words. It’s all them.

Hello, I’m Elghin. I am the alternate sub for the Gallaudet’s college bowl team. I had mixed feelings because I was excited, nervous, a lot of thinking throughout this competition. I know this is also not for Gallaudet, but also for RIT and the University of Minnesota teams. Everyone was really good. My team really equally worked together. No one was better than the other, but really worked equally together. Because of that, it’s one of the reasons why we got this championship trophy. I am really proud of them. Go Bison!

Trust your gut.

Start studying with what you are interested in.

First, always be confident with yourself. Don’t be afraid to learn something. Once you find something that you are interested in, then that will lead you to other things and will expand your knowledge.

You can be afraid, but do not lose the chance- just take that chance. If you see a window of opportunity, just take it.

Pay attention in your classes.

Renca: That wraps up day 3! More updates tomorrow which will be the last day of NAD’s conference!